We’re picking back up with our Meet the Team highlight with another one of our talented designers and BPA senior associates,


She is a talented interior designer and her work ethic and determination always inspire the rest of us. She earned her BS from Birmingham-Southern in Biology and BAA from Southern Institute in Interior Design. She has served as the Central District Representative on the Alabama Board for Registered Interior Designers since 2019, and as Chairperson since 2022. Here are a few fun facts to get to know this Birmingham native better:

Her better half, Richard, is a metal sculptor and artist. (Check out his work https://royalmiree.com/)

She’s a certified yoga instructor.

There is a very large tortoise living in her backyard.

Graffiti is her favorite photography subject, especially on train cars rolling through Railroad Park.

What do you like to do in your spare time/what hobbies do you have? Hikes at all the fabulous parks and trails near town are a regular activity with friends. I have the yard of a lazy gardener and have been lucky to inherit lots of great plants, so some of my spare time is spent outdoors, either taming it all or encouraging it to grow like crazy. My quiet hobbies are knitting and reading, both of which may involve one or more cats.

What’s one of your favorite things about Birmingham? Hard to pick one, so I’ll go with both food and parks!

Have you ever had any other career in mind? Yes, I ran through a few before Interior Design. I had finished a pre-med Biology degree before accepting that I really did not want to be a psychiatrist like my dad. I considered Vet School and worked as a vet tech, then worked in basic science research at UAB. I can mostly thank my boss at UAB for my career. He was in the midst of a home reno at the time and encouraged me to go back to school for Interior Design. Any of these careers would have been fulfilling. It’s all about timing and perspective.

Where would we find you on a typical Saturday? I spend most Saturdays hanging out with my dad. And there is always good food involved.

What traits do you most value in your friends? Empathy and a good sense of humor; creativity and self-reliance; honesty and moderation.

What scares you? Large, flying insects but my cats are really good at taking care of those.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? So much closer to retirement!

What is your favorite vacation spot? I love the beach in the late Fall or Early Spring when there’s no one else around. Otherwise, I’m a fan of road trips that include plenty of zoos.

What’s the simplest thing you ever learned to do? I remember learning to tie my shoes with a cute rhyme about a bunny rabbit.

What are you most proud of in your career? Designing safe and inclusive spaces for children of all abilities.
